Friday, June 29, 2012

Bands: Newtown Knife Gang

It's been a while since I've shot any live music. The last show was end of May.

So last weekend I was ready and stoked to go watch (and photograph) the "Bateleur" show in Pretoria, but my plans took a turn a few hours before I would be off to catch their show.

A friend invited (and said he'd pay for) me to join him for the "Beast", "Newtown Knife Gang" and "Man As Machine" show at Arcade Empire. Not one to refuse a free gig (with some potentially good bands) I obliged and was off to meet up with him.

We pretty much missed the "MAM" show and chilled outside whilst waiting for "NKG" to set up and get ready. I've known about the band for a while now and was pretty keen to check them out! I mean; it was after all four of the original members of "16 Stitch" (whom were rad when they were still going). I must admit though, that I am NOT a fan of their first single "Listen". I'd seen the video by chance on the television a few months back and it annoyed me thoroughly. It had way too much pop sensibility for my taste.

That being said, it's a whole different ball game when they're on stage. Does it remind me of 16 Stitch? Yes, but that isn't a bad thing! The guys are still jumping around and full of energy as always. I was super bummed when I heard that 16 Stitch had called it quits and I'm glad that the remaining members started something new after "Andrew" (the previous vocalist) had left to join "Zebra & Giraffe".

Anyway, I am by no means a music reviewer. These are just my opinions. Do yourselves a favor though and go check out "NKG" if they're in a venue near you. I'll be posting some photos and my impressions on "Beast" soon, for now I'll just say; wow!!

Thanks for reading

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