Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Ocean Doesn't Want Me

Working with these guys on their new album.

It's quite daunting as they are friends and a band I greatly respect. I've got the concept for their album and references (which feels like it isn't enough), so I am thus working on ideas for the album art revolving around the concept of a funeral and the Ghent Altarpiece. Don't know what that is? Go read up on it here.

It's a very rad concept and I'm racking my brain to come up with something feasible to show them. The funeral part of it is as follows: There are 7 songs on the album and they represent the 7 characters at the funeral.

1. The Father
2. Millias (The Priest)
3. The Wife
4. The Son
5. The Mistress
6. The Best Friend and
7. The Earth

Now I can go into much more detail, but I'll be adding forever and you'll be reading forever, so do yourselves a favor and read up on the Ghent Piece or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb as it is known. That might not explain a lot, but I don't wanna give to much away right now.

I'll do updates on this process along the way; for now though: here's a little something.

Thanks for reading

Beastie - The Factory 2011

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